Brittany Heller

Developer of applications and other things sometimes, too.

Picture of Brittany Heller

About Me

My name is Brittany, and I like to make things. I live in Boise, Idaho with my fiance, dog, and two awesome cats.

I began my career in Environmental Health and Safety, and got to see some really cool things! It's a little bit like being on that show How It's Made, as you get to learn where everything comes from (for better or worse). In grad school I spent some time as a Research Assistant where I had the opportunity to work on several projects and teach myself some tech skills, like how to maintain websites, work with databases, and develop e-learning content. I enjoyed this so much that I kept doing it once I joined the work force!

After a while, I discovered that many of the issues that are present in both environmental and occupational health have technology solutions, and realized that those are the problems I would like to one day work on, so I worked my way towards becoming a Software Developer. Through a mixture of online education, a degree from Western Governor's University, and a whole lot of Googling I ended up here! If you want to see a full resume of my experience, check it out here, or you can see some of the projects I've put together in my portfolio!